
Archive for July, 2013

First Prize, The Endless Column
the Endless Column –
somewhere, another cricket
is counting the stars
I kept coming back to the Endless Column which seemed to both represent a particular place and event but also so much struggle in so many countries, not just Romania, but every country through time.   The mention of a cricket (another cricketcounting stars is a magical and memorable part of this haiku.  The two images worked well bouncing off each other, and another cricket is counting the stars lifted this haiku quite literally beyond its immediate place to perhaps one of Japan’s favorite haiku writers, that of Issa, who felt at one with all insects in particular, because of his tough and challenging life.  (Alan Summers, 2013 WMF Haiku Contest Judge)
(Comentariu preluat de pe blog-ul: http://area17.blogspot.ro )

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din Psalmul 86

“Toate neamurile pe care le-ai facut vor veni sa se inchine inaintea Ta, Doamne, si sa dea slava Numelui Tau. Caci Tu esti mare si faci minuni, numai Tu esti Dumnezeu. 
Invata-ma caile Tale, Doamne! Eu voi umbla in adevarul Tau. Fa-mi inima sa se teama de Numele Tau. 
Te voi lauda din toata inima mea, Doamne Dumnezeul meu, si voi preamari Numele Tau in veci! 
Caci mare este bunatatea Ta fata de mine, si Tu imi izbavesti sufletul din adanca locuinta a mortilor. ” (Psalm 86:9-13)

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Doua cantece…

..pe care le-am auzit in doua Biserici diferite (ca si confesiune), in doua duminici consecutive…si care m-au incurajat mult..

God will make a way:

Bless the Lord, o my soul:

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